Pilates is a holistic and highly effective body workout that focuses the origin of the movement in the center of the body (also known as Powerhouse). This method was created by Joseph Pilates (1883-1967) who originally called it Contrology. His methodology is either taught by individuals who studied directly with him (Elders) or via archival pictures and tapes. Second generation teachers who were fortunate enough to have studied with one or more of the Elders helped to keep his work and spirit alive. Romana Kryzanowska who died in 2013 said to be the one disciple of Joe’s who preserved and continued the traditional system of the method.

The Pilates Method develops much of what exercisers need – strength, flexibility, muscular endurance, coordination, balance, good posture and breathing – with a much lower chance of injury than with other forms of exercise. The discipline emphasizes correct form instead of many repetitions exhausting the muscles and losing form. All this is reflected in an improvement of self- confidence, and positive attitude to face life. Practicing what he preached, Joseph Pilates exercised almost right up until his death at 83 and he believed that the longer we live, the more opportunity we have, to improve our health.

Two of my favorite Joseph Pilates quotes are:

“We retire too early and we die too young. Our prime of life should be in the 70’s and old age should not come until we are almost 100.”
Practicing what he preached, Joseph Pilates exercised almost right up until his death at 83 and he believed that the longer we live, the more opportunity we have to improve our health.

“Pilates is complete coordination of body, mind and spirit.”
Pilates is not just about great posture and a rock-hard core. It is more than just a physical exercise, and can radically enhance mental, emotional and spiritual well-being too.

There are also other quotes in his book: (Pilates, JH (1945), Return to Life, USA).

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