At Pilates Tania Tsiora studio we teach the Classical Pilates method, thus we use both mat and Pilates apparatus according to what your body needs and as closest to how Joseph Pilates was applying the method.

As in the studio we teach the original Pilates method, we also have the best apparatus in the world: Gratz company and Pilates Scandinavia company. Apparatus such as: Reformer, Cadillac, Wunda chair, High chair, Ladder Barrel, high mat, neck stretcher, airplane board, toe corrector.

Benefits of Pilates:

  • Strength and flexibility:

Pilates works both strength and flexibility at the same time. The Method challenges the muscles that support the spine by lifting the legs, pumping the arms, rolling up, rolling down, twisting, arching and side bending. You work the body from the inside out. Yes, you discover muscles in your legs, buttocks and arms that you never felt before.

  • Posture:

Each and every exercise in Pilates creates length and tone in your muscles. By creating more space in and between the joints, your posture improves and the body takes the shape it is meant to take, without returning to bad habits especially, due to sitting and working in front of a computer, or simply walking without using your feet properly

  • Reduced neck and back pain:

When the muscles of the spine strengthen and lift the vertebrae away from each other, many people find their aches and pains simply disappear. How does this happen? There is less pressure on nerves, better lubrication of the joints, and increased awareness of habits that lead to pain.

  • Mind and body – body and mind:

Pilates is different from many other forms of exercise because it requires the mind to pay attention to what you are doing. Thus, you focus on your body and how you move and your nervous system creates better connections throughout your body. As ancient Greeks used to say: ‘’Healthy mind in a healthy body’’ Νους υγιής εν σώματι υγιή’’ and yes we need both to be healthy.

  • Less illness:

Pilates improves great circulation in the body, especially to the vital organs. Exercises flush the blood through the body like an ‘internal shower’ as Joseph Pilates used to say. All exercises clean the toxins, bacteria and other less healthy stuff out of your body on a regular basis.

  • Better sex:

Since sex organs are part of the pelvis and are surrounded by muscles which work the torso and especially the abdominals and the pelvic floor, Pilates preserves and even increases the function of sex organs.

  • Confidence:

Beyond the physical benefits, confidence play an important role in our lives. You might start taking Pilates privates classes wanting to improve something about your body that you don’t like, and then after several months or a year, you start realizing the progress you have made and above all, how well your body and mind feels, and how both can lead to good, new habits. You simply feel better.

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